Wednesday 16 April 2008

Slipsliding away...

Creative spirits are often asked how their inspiration takes form, what seed is sown in their mind and how the idea germinates. It is an honour, nay privilege, to be able to quench your thirst for knowledge. The following paragraphs were the product of a nine hour creative marathon (translation: copious amounts of wheat beer during the hours of daylight followed by the flash of genius that pushed me to go online and add an entry to my blog) and will surely enable common mortals to grasp with both hands the literature genius of my mind:

"Must. Write. Slowly: I would love. To write. Clearly. And. Enthusiastically. But. My. Brain. Is absolutely blown away.

I have been in Las Vegas for 72 hours. Period.

This is most distressing. Ouch. Fading. Away... I miss the real talk. I miss real speech. I will have to disappear. "

The mind boggles... If Nobel prizes were awarded for mental debilitation, I would surely be a contender.

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